Vasectomy Kildare & Dublin
The VASECTOMY Procedure
When arrive in the clinic you will soon be seen in the procedures room, where we will again emphasise the need to continue to use contraception and remind you of the importance of having Semen Analysis at 16 weeks. All will be explained about how to go about this. After ten minutes or so the procedure starts.
The vas is located in the scrotum and under local anaesthetic I remove a section of Vas on each side. With a local anaesthetic the area is numb almost immediately. The procedure itself is practically painless.
The operation typically takes about ten or twelve minutes each side Dressings are then applied and you are ready to go home

What does a vasectomy entail?
Waiting time and Availability
We offer appointments Mondays to Saturdays and if requested Sunday appointments can also be arranged.
Generally there is practically no waiting time, though it is considered best practice to allow some time for consideration after the initial counselling/information consultation (the cooling off period”)
The Initial Consultation can be by phone or in person. It normally takes about 15
Initiating Contact with The Vasectomy Clinic
You may contact me by:
E-Mail: info@vas.ie” leaving your name and DOB Text 087 2590171 with the message “VAS” and your name directly on the same number or Phone me (do not leave voice message, but text if no answer)
Vasectomy Fees
At the Vasectomy Clinic, our all inclusive fee covers the following:
– Pre Surgery Consultation
– Surgery
– Follow up Consultation
– all inclusive.
(including Semen analysis at the Cellular Pathology Lab,Tallaght Hospital)
You will most likely qualify for Tax relief at 20%.
Some policies offer a contribution towards a vasectomy. Irish Life €350, Laya 50% max €250, and VH1 (on some policies). Please contact your insurer to find out.
How painful is a vasectomy operation?
The procedure is generally undertaken under local anaesthetic whereby a small amount of local anaesthetic is injected into the skin and into the tube which is to be resected. This injection is performed with the smallest of needles and results in minimal discomfort for the patient.
The local anaesthetic works almost instantaneously and the procedure continues with a small puncture to the skin of the scrotum. The tube (or vas) is isolated, a small section of the tube is removed and the ends are sealed. Small skin wounds approx half a centimeter DO NOT require sutures resulting in quicker healing. The procedure usually takes about 20 minutes.
What to expect
The local anaesthetic wears off after about one hour. Most men do experience some discomfort then. You are advised to take Paracetamol over the next few days if any significant discomfort.
What should I do after a vasectomy procedure?
You should REST COMPLETELY on the day of the procedure.
On day two you can expect to have considerably less discomfort and you may move about normally. You may very well feel fit to return to work, but an extra days rest is advisable.
Avoid any more vigorous activity for another day or two or until you are discomfort free.
Wear supportive briefs for a week or so
Relax with your feet up
Take paracetamol (not aspirin) if you experience pain
After 48 hours have a bath or shower and soak off the dressing
Avoid sporting activities for a week or so, cycling etc for 2 weeks
You may resume sexual activity as soon as you feel comfortable but it is advisable to wait 48 - 72 hours
Possible Complications
General Healing:
While the skin wound is very small , it will usually take 2 – 7 days to heal , you may experience a little swelling and bruising. This is usually normal and no cause for concern.
The risk of superficial infection of the wounds as can occur in any case where the skin is broken , can be minimised by continueing to dress the wounds for a week.
Occasionally a small vein will ooze blood after the wound is closed, and a lump of blood develops, which may be uncomfortable. If larger than 2cm, or if it continues to be uncomfortable after 14 days, you will be advised to contact the clinic, or text a message to Dr O’Brien.